Dasher is still doing very well and has cottoned on the the fact that everyone has a soft spot for him and that he only has to make an appearance to be showered with nuts and grapes. His coat is regrowing but is a rather odd shade of grey at they moment, perhaps it will change colour as it grows out.
Now on to Cinnamon and Leap who were both wild born cubs brought to us in February 2008. As they grew they both had their problems, particularly Leap who had many injuries after being attacked by a dog. We have always wanted to see them both back in the wild and now we have taken a major step towards that end.
Since October 2009 we have been working to prepare them for life in the wild and to find a suitable site for their release. We have had lots of help from lots of people and as a result of all this effort Cinnamon and Leap have been moved to a beautiful location where they are currently housed in a temporary release pen.
They will stay there for the next few days and then we will open up their pen and allow them to come and go as they please for several weeks. We will continue to feed and care for them during this time but the idea is that one day they will go and will not return.
This "soft" release should enable them to practice hunting and get a little more physically fit with distant support from us.
We will be keeping the location to ourselves to give them as much privacy as possible and will update the blog with their progress.
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