Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cub update.

I apologise for not updating the blog earlier. The past week has flown by and we have been really busy both at work and home. We are pleased to tell you that the Asian Otter Cubs that we took away from the parents are doing extremely well, they have put on almost 100 grammes each and have been weaned onto solids now. They are given a small amount of raw fish and raw mince at feeding time during the day but not at the 4am feed. We have had to move them into a higher bedding box as they were attempting to climb out of the of the one they were in.
They are extremely playful when they come out for feeds and enjoy exploring the kitchen and playing with the balls we have got for them. Then they end up wrestling with each other before being returned to their box and falling to sleep again! They are fed every 4 or 5 hours now, they usually feed in about 10 minutes now compared to 40 when we first got them but it still takes over an hour as we groom them and play with them. Their coats are getting coarser and their teeth are coming through too at a very fast rate. This morning we introduced them to water as they were becoming a little smelly, we filled the sink with tepid water and put them in, they did not panic and were curious about the dripping tap!
We are also pleased to report that the two females that stayed with their parents have been doing well too. They have been introduced to life outside their box by being dragged out by one of their parents being dipped into the cold pond and mud before being taken back inside!

We have had an unwelcome visitor on site, we spotted a large dog fox by the marsh lake yesterday, he soon made off but had helped himself to at least one of our ducks. We then had to try and find out where he got in, we found a small hole which we have blocked and there was no sign of him today. we heard today that several of our neighbours in the village have lost ducks and chickens through a fox. We were given a brown Chinese Goose today from someone in the village as the rest of his stock had been taken by the fox.

We have been busy repairing Sunny and Thors' (Asian Short Clawed Otters) pen, and dredging their pond. We have also noticed that our Golden Pheasant has not been around since Sunday, he is a real character and comes to greet you in the morning and follows you around as you work, often attempting to follow you into the otter pens when we are feeding and sitting on the wheelbarrow and even jumping onto the piece of wood you are sawing! We are concerned that he has been a victim of the fox but have found no evidence to confirm this yet.
He can be a bit of a nuisance at times but we have really missed him not being around.
We will keep you posted with developments, signed,

The Otter Keepers Wife

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